How to Register Sole Proprietorship

What is a Sole Proprietorship ? Sole Proprietorship comes under the company registration. It is the business that legitimately exists because of the owner. All the assets and liability are owners' matter that is Profits and losses are taxed on the individual's Tax Returns. Who can opt for Sole Proprietorship? A person who has less investing plans that means he has less money to invest in the business can go with the option with Sole Proprietorship because he will be the sole head in the company and all the decisions will be made by him/her. What are the Advantages? Your Decisions are Independently yours to make, no interference You are the owner and with zero interference only its decision that will affect or get implemented into your business. Easy Formation and dissolution The endowment of a proprietorship is an easy process Unquestionably but the process varies because of the country, state, or locality. High flexibility in management It's 100% owner c...