
Showing posts with the label gst suvidha kendra

GST Suvidha Centre Reviews - Effizent Seele Pvt Ltd Reviews

Popular personalities are introducing about gst suvidha center franchise to young people for self employment in 2021. 

How to GST Suvidha Center A High Profitable Franchise Business In 2020

1 . What Is GST Suvidha Centers? GST Suvidha Centers is a franchise in which the franchise owners have approved permission from the government body to provide all the GST , Financial, Banking, Loan, Insurance, Employment, Education, Health,G2C and travel assistance in their locality at low rates. It creates business opportunities for people who want to have a standard life by creating a stable earning source . If you want to learn more about GST Suvidha Centers , check the website of GST Suvidha Centers.   2. Why Do We recommend GST Suvidha Centers as a profitable business? Every Business has its own low and high time depending on the business' season but let us tell you that the number of service GST Suvidha Centers' franchise owners have is offered by none and can never go out of season. There were once only 100 services to offer but in the current date Franchise owners have more than 250 services in which request for most of them comes any time of t...

What is GST Suvidha Kendra Franchise

GST center is ones gateway which is helping to MSME small and medium entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, individual with turnover above 20 lakhs to file their GST returns on time at a much lower fee charged by tax professionals in India 2020. For better understanding, now understand with an example of an entrepreneur  GST registration process . Mr. suraj kamat. Suraj is keen to start a small business without any proper guidance knowledge of various legal documents needed. He asked for his friends’ opinion and was he was referred to a Tax adviser who helped him out with a company & In this whole process, Suraj has to deal with so many things: TAN, PAN, DSC, DIN, GST or GSTIN etc. He had to spend lots of time, money and energy behind this lengthy process. He had to pay different fees for the same document as he dealt with several people engaged. Even Suraj was not sure about certain things related to GST services but he did not get help until he ended up paying G...

What is FSSAI License and Registration Process

The  Food Standards and Safety Authority of India (FSSAI)  is the supreme authority which is responsible for regulating and supervising the food safety. It is mandatory for all the Food Business Operators (FBOs) in order to obtain an FSSAI license . A common confusion or a misunderstanding which is among the FBOs is the license which the businessman is required to obtain. FSSAI lays down science-based standards for the articles of food and it also regulates their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and the import in order to ensure the availability of safe and also wholesome food to 130 crore citizens of the country. The authority is thus also responsible for creating an information network across the country so that the public, consumers, etc thus receive rapid, reliable and also accurate information about the food safety and also hygiene and the related issues of concern. Three different types of food licenses which are: 1. Central License 2. State Licen...

2nd Anniversary of GST Suvidha Center Organized by Effizent Seele Private Limited on February 22, 2020

We stand proud and grateful to our thousands of our viewers who joined us in the #event through our Facebook and youtube live stream. We also present our gratitude to our honorable guests of the evening Dr. K.K Goel, Asst. Dir of MSME (Govt of India) and Mr. C.M Garg (Insurance Veteran) Our sincere gratefulness to everyone for their support and encouragement throughout our journey.

GST सुविधा केंद्र के फायदे क्या हैं? GST सुविधा केंद्र खोल कर 100000 तक कमाई कर सकते हैं.

जीएसटी के लागू होते ही बहुत तरह के टैक्स एक अकेले टैक्स में बदल गए जिसे हम “ जीएसटी यानी गुड्स एंड सर्विस टैक्स ” के नाम से जानते हैं। लेकिन जब जीएसटी को लाया गया तब इससे संबंधित कुछ समस्याओं हर किसी को हुई , इन्हीं मुश्किलों को आसान बनाने के लिए आज हम बात करेंगे जीएसटी की। जीएसटी क्या हैं ? What is GST? · जीएसटी यानी " गुड्स एंड सर्विस टैक्स " । · ये वो टैक्स हैं जो सामान की बिक्री पर लगता हैं। · जीएसटी एक डायरेक्ट टैक्स हैं जो पुराने टैक्स को बदलने के लिए लागू किया गया। उसके पहले सेल्स टैक्स , एक्साइज टैक्स , सर्विस टैक्स जैसे कई तरह के टैक्स लिए जाते थे लेकिन अब उनकी जगह केवल एक टैक्स “ जीएसटी ” हैं। · उदाहरण के तौर पर जब कोई प्रोडक्ट या सामान बाज़ार में आता हैं तब उस प्रोडक्ट की बनाई से लेकर बाज़ार मे आने तक का सफर जितना कैपिटल कवर करता हैं जैसे कोई भी वस्तु निर्माण से लेकर अंतिम उपभोग तक कई चरणों के माध्यम ...